Bridging The Data Silos Is Not Enough, Healthcare Providers Need To Bridge The Operational Silos As Well

EHR workflow thought leader Chuck Webster MD recently shared a post by Justin Campbell on his LinkedIn page bemoaning the belated alarm at the extent of data silos in healthcare providers IT infrastructures.

Campbell’s post mentions that more than 200 discrete streams of data operate within the provider environment, most in proprietary models in EHR solutions.

While this sounds alarming indeed, we at Q-nomy believe other silos generate more patient dissatisfaction and operational waste - the operational silos.

Operational silos not only involve data silos, they also involve process and workflow silos that hamper care paths and result in reduced outcomes and degradation of patient satisfaction.

Separate workflows, each may be efficient in its own right, mean for example that a chemotherapy dose (efficiently prepared by the pharmacy) arrives too soon or too late to the radiotherapy clinic and causes the patient to either wait too long for a vacant seat, or  creates a situation in which the seat remains vacant for an extended period. Multiply this single inefficiency by the hundreds and thousands of workflows any major healthcare provider manages at any given time, and the loss is evident…

Recently mentioned as a sample vendor of Real-Time Health System Orchestration solutions in Gartner's Hype Cycle for Real-Time Health System Technologies, 2017, Q-nomy bridges operational silos in healthcare by offering a complete patient centric BPM solution that includes omni-channel patient journey management software and interactive communications between healthcare providers and patients through online electronic forms and video interactions as well as clinic visits.

Q-nomy's Q-Flow for Healthcare proactively promotes patients throughout their care path, demonstrating workflow effectiveness that shines in harmony with adjacent and dependent workflows.

Contact us for more information on real-time orchestration of the patient journey.
